How IVL supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
IVL works locally, nationally and internationally to contribute to sustainable development. We drive the transition to a sustainable society by turning science into reality, environmental problems into opportunities and linear processes into a circular economy. The Global Goals are included in most of our projects and collaborations.
The 2030 Agenda and the UN Global Goals are the world's common sustainable agenda. In September 2015, UN member states adopted the 2030 Agenda, a universal plan for sustainable development. The concept of sustainable development encompasses the three dimensions of sustainability - social, economic and environmental. The agenda includes 17 global goals divided into 169 sub-goals to be achieved by 2030. The 2030 Agenda and the global goals are the most ambitious international agreement for sustainable development ever agreed by the world's countries.
IVL's starting point is that research and knowledge dissemination are key to solving the environmental and sustainability problems we face.
IVL and the global goals
IVL's research is related to the global goals in many ways, directly or indirectly. We focus on some of the goals specifically, with an emphasis on goals related to the environment and sustainable development.
Goal 1 - No poverty
Poverty encompasses more than the economic situation; it can involve a lack of education, freedom, health, influence and security.
IVL does not work specifically with this goal, although there are projects that can have an indirect impact on poverty.

Goal 2 - Zero hunger
Hunger, food and nutritional deficiencies are still among the leading causes of death in the world. Lack of food has long-term consequences for both individuals and societies. The development of sustainable agriculture and fair distribution systems is necessary to ensure access to nutritious food for all.
IVL contributes to the goal of reducing hunger by:
- Sustainable food production systems that maintain ecosystems, strengthen the ability to adapt to climate change and progressively improve land and soil quality.

Goal 3 - Good health and wellbeing
Good health and well-being is a prerequisite for the development of individuals and societies. The goal includes many dimensions such as ecological, economic and social factors.
IVL contributes to the goal of good health and well-being by:
- Reducing the number of deaths and illnesses caused by harmful chemicals, pollution and contamination of air, water and soil.
- Strengthening capacity for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks.

Goal 4 - Quality education
Research shows that inclusive and quality education is one of the most important foundations for prosperity, health and gender equality in all societies.
IVL does not work specifically on this goal, although there are projects that indirectly contribute to the goal of good education for all.

Goal 5 - Equality
Målet om jämstlldhet mellan män och kvinnor handlar om en rättvis fördelning av resurser, makt och inflytande. Jämställdhet bidrar till alla dimensioner av hållbarhet - politisk, social och ekonomisk.
IVL arbetar inte specifikt med detta mål även om det finns projekt som indirekt bidrar till målet om jämställdhet.

Goal 6 - Clean water and sanitation
Access to clean water is essential for all life on earth. Clean water is also a prerequisite for health and sustainable development.
IVL contributes to the goal of clean water and sanitation by:
- Achieving universal and equitable access to safe drinking water and sanitation by developing and implementing technologies for water collection, desalination, water efficiency, wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse.

Goal 7 - Affordable and clean enegy
The world faces several challenges linked to the availability of sustainable and renewable energy. We must move away from fossil fuel dependency and make renewable energy solutions cheaper and more efficient.
IVL contributes to the goal of sustainable energy by:
- ensuring universal access to a significantly increased share of renewable energy in the global energy mix and to affordable, reliable and modern energy services.
- accelerating the pace of improving energy efficiency and strengthening international cooperation in clean and renewable energy research and technology.

Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Decent work promotes both sustainable economic growth and human health.
IVL contributes to the goal of decent work and economic growth by:
- improving resource efficiency in production and consumption, breaking the link between environmental degradation and growth.
- promoting a safe working environment.

Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
New technologies and innovation are key to many sustainable solutions to the economic and environmental challenges of the future. Sustainable industries, environmentally friendly technology, innovation and research are important prerequisites for sustainable development for both individuals and societies.
IVL contributes to the goal of sustainable industry, innovations and infrastructure by:
- upgrading infrastructure and industry to make them sustainable, with more efficient use of resources and environmentally friendly technologies and industrial processes.
- supporting domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries.

Goal 10 - Reduced inequalities
Fair distribution of resources and influence is the basis for a sustainable society.
IVL does not work specifically on this goal, although there are projects that may have an indirect impact on this goal.

Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Urbanization in the world is increasing and more and more people are living in cities. This movement leads to new challenges and places new demands on sustainable urban development and construction.
IVL contributes to the goal of sustainable cities and communities by:
- reducing the negative environmental impact of cities by working on air quality and the management of municipal and other waste.
- affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all and inclusive and sustainable urbanization.
- cities and communities implementing integrated plans for inclusion, resource efficiency, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and disaster resilience.

Goal 12 - Sustainable consumtion and production
The world's natural resources are being overexploited and we are consuming more than our planet can sustain. To achieve sustainable development, we need to reduce our ecological footprint and switch to both sustainable consumption and production.
IVL contributes to the goal of sustainable consumption and production by:
- environmentally friendly management of chemicals throughout their life cycle and significantly reducing emissions to air, water and soil in order to minimize negative impacts on health and the environment.
- to reduce waste through prevention, reuse and recycling.
- encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices and integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle.
- reducing food waste and finding new uses for food waste.
- identify and eliminate inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption.

Goal 13 - Climate action
Global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise and the resulting climate change is a threat to both our civilization and the planet. Necessary steps must be taken to slow the temperature increase and at the same time adapt society to a changing climate.
IVL contributes to the goal of combating climate change by:
- strengthening resilience and adaptability to climate-related hazards and natural disasters.
- integrating climate action into policies, strategies and planning at the national level.
- improving education, awareness and human and institutional capacities for early warning, adaptation and mitigation of climate change and its impacts.

Goal 14 - Life below water
Humanity is entirely dependent on the world's oceans for survival and livelihood. Caring for our oceans is also important for balancing the effects of climate change.
IVL contributes to goal 14 by:
- preventing and reducing marine pollution, especially from land-based activities, including marine litter and nutrient inputs.
- protecting marine and coastal ecosystems to achieve healthy and productive seas.
- strengthening the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and their resources.

Goal 15 - Life on land
Biodiversity and sustainable ecosystems underpin life on Earth. One of the challenges of the future is to ensure the sustainable use of ecosystem services and the protection of biodiversity.
IVL contributes to goal 15 by:
- preserving, restoring and sustainably using terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and their ecosystem services, especially forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands.
- managing forests sustainably, halting deforestation, restoring degraded forests, reducing habitat destruction and halting biodiversity loss.
- integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values into national and local planning and development and accounting strategies.

Goal 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions
Long-term sustainable development cannot take place in contexts characterized by conflict and violence. Peaceful and inclusive societies are therefore both a goal and a means to sustainable development.
IVL does not work specifically with this goal, although there are projects that may have an indirect impact on this goal.

Goal 17 - Partnership for the goals
Achieving the SDGs requires cooperation and global partnership. Goal 17 includes tools for achieving the SDGs.
IVL contributes to the goal through:
- developing, transferring and disseminating environmentally friendly technologies to developing countries.
- strengthening the global partnership for sustainable development and complementing it with a new one that exchanges knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources to help achieve the SDGs, particularly in developing countries.