Swedish voluntary agreement
for reduction of food waste
A voluntary agreement between the actors in the food value chain. It is also a part of the Swedish government’s investment in the food strategy.
40 percent of all food produced is thrown away
instead of being eaten
Generally, food production accounts for around 20–30 percent of global climate emissions. Food production affects the environment by contributing to eutrophication and the spread of chemicals via pesticides and fertilizers. Food production also harms biodiversity and contributes to the overexploitation of resources.
There is every reason to stop wasting food!

Cooperation brings success
Food waste occurs throughout the value chain and therefore the solutions need to be developed commonly.
On March 12, 2020, the Swedish voluntary agreement for reduction of food waste was launched. It includes actors in the food value chain and is part of the government’s investment in the food strategy. This collaboration will contribute to achieving the UN’s sustainability goal 12.3 to halve global food waste by 2030. It will also work to fulfil Sweden’s national action plan for reduced food waste.
In Sweden, the agreement has the name SAMS – short for Samarbete för minskat matsvinn (Cooperation for reduced food waste).

The vision of SAMS is to stop food waste!
SAMS does this by:
- gathering the Swedish food industry and working along the entire value chain.
- coordinating measurement and data reporting.
- develop and implement measures that reduce food waste and demonstrate their effect.
- participating in research and development projects and spreading information about it.
- collecting and disseminating best practices on food waste.
- being a referral body for legislation and regulations for food waste issues.
Partners of the agreement

Contact us
Maria Ahlm
Project manager